Show Up For Yourself Challenge

Welcome to our 5-day "Show Up For Yourself" challenge!

Summer is coming to an end and alot of us are feeling out of routine and ready to evaluate our habits and take back control. If you're feeling like the last few months have spiraled and you're ready to make yourself a priority and get back to simple daily habits then these next 5 days are for you.

Get ready to start moving, hydrate and prioritze protein and build a routine that makes you feel in control, confident and start making the shifts for the motivation to keep moving forward.

For this challenge you will need an accountability partner and they can be anyone - friend, family member or co-worker but someone that is going to hold you accountable but also you holding them! You also want to pick someone who is motivated enough to complete this challenge as there is a "Girlfriend Getaway" Prize Pack.   

Find your partner, get signed up and be ready to start Monday Aug 28.

More details will be coming to your email!